Opera Mini v.5.1 is out now, features a sleek new design to give the browser a more intuitive look and feel for Android, the firm said. Also included is tabbed browsing, enabling users to browse several sites simultaneously, and support for touch screen as well as keypad-based browsing. Opera Mini for Android with a series get the latest version of Opera Mini 5.1. This update is highly recommended especially for users of the Nokia S40 and Sony Ericsson specific.
Download Opera Mini 5.1 use your phone’s default Web browser to visit the address m.opera.com | or Download through your PC here
Note: Opera Mini 5.1 also added a keypad shortcut to switch to and from Mobile view (*0).
Who should download this update?
If your phone’s screen resolution is less than 200 pixels in either direction, or if you have a Nokia Series 40 phone with low memory (around 4MB or less), then you will receive the new skin. Opera Mini automatically selects the skin that’s right for you!
While the smartphone category for mobile phones, Opera does not specifically mention this update for the user’s smartphone.If your phone’s screen resolution is less than 200 pixels in either direction, or if you have a Nokia Series 40 phone with low memory (around 4MB or less), then you will receive the new skin. Opera Mini automatically selects the skin that’s right for you!
Download Opera Mini 5.1 use your phone’s default Web browser to visit the address m.opera.com | or Download through your PC here
Note: Opera Mini 5.1 also added a keypad shortcut to switch to and from Mobile view (*0).