Skyfire 2.0 Apps Available in iPhone Store

For iPhone users who have longed to watch flash video on their smartphone devices, there appears to be a solution with the Skyfire App, which allows iPhone to view Adobe Flash on the iPhone. Skyfire supports the move by his announcement approving the Apple and other third-party browsers that offer an alternative observable in Safari. Skyfire browser is free and is currently available for devices running Windows Mobile, Symbian and iPhone Apps. It supports many video formats such as YouTube and Yahoo Video, built with Flash 10 and Silverlight 2.0.
Feature Skyfire 2.0:
  • Vibrant Video: watch videos, including Flash, while browsing your favorite sites.
  • Explore Related: find related content & media to the page you’re browsing.
  • Social Sharing: One-click sharing with facebook and twitter.
  • User Agent Switching: Load pages for either mobile or desktop.
  • Private Browsing: Keeps your browsing private, with no data trail.
Skyfire’s popularity is an indication of Adobe Flash’s importance for playing online video. Apple is pushing HTML5, a relatively new technology, as a better alternative, claiming Flash hurts the performance of the iPhone and uses up too much battery power.
Despite its refusal to support Flash, Apple recognizes its ubiquity on the web. The company changed its iOS 4.2 developer agreement to allow the use of just about any programming tool, including the Adobe Flash Packager for the iPhone. IOS is the operating system used in the iPhone.
Download Skyfire 2.0 for iPhone :

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