Symabook ApplicationSymarctic Solutions Ltd. announced today an alpha version of S60 application built on Facebook Platform. Symabook application enables Facebook users worldwide to be connected with their friends everywhere with S60 mobile phones. "We are thrilled to launch the alpha version of our Symabook application. With this alpha release, we want to show off the amazing user interface we have done." - Symabook team of Symarctic Solutions Ltd.
Symabook alpha version enables you to access your Facebook stream, interact with friends, and update your status from S60 mobile phones. Symabook features a user interface never seen before on S60 phones.
It is sleek, novel and highly usable, functionality that is particularly beneficial when viewing photos. Continuous photo zooming can be done with one touch circular gesture.
Symarctic Solutions Ltd. is looking forward to receiving user experiences and feedback to give ideas for the development of the Symabook application. Symarctic Solutions Ltd. wishes to receive feedback especially for the basic user interface structure and usability but other comments are naturally appreciated.
This first alpha release of Symabook can be run on S60 5th Edition mobile phones but S60 3rd Edition support is in the making. Symabook is a native Symbian application that utilizes Symarctic Solutions Ltd's own UI engine. This UI engine is capable of running on other than S60 platforms as well such as Linux (Maemo), Android, iPhone and variety of Windows for example.
Symabook Early Technology Preview
Symbian phones are the market leader in smartphone segment. There are almost 300 million shipped Symbian phones so far. Symbian phones constitute 50 % share of the smartphone markets. Mobile phones are inherently devices for communication between people.
Therefore, there are many benefits when combining this huge Symbian mobile phone user base with Facebook's 250 million users. Facebook's users are already communicating and sharing information through the social graph, the network of connections and relationships between people. Symabook enables this flow of communication and sharing to continue when user is on the move.
Symarctic Solutions Ltd. is a private and innovative information technology service company. Symarctic Solutions Ltd. is focused on software development designed for mobile industry, incorporated with expert services, consulting and resourcing.