Wave Blazer, Glide with Accelerometer

3DSpeedboat game is present in Symbian. Feel the sensation of gliding with an accelerometer for an instant kill our boredom. When first tried this game, immediately thought of the classic game called Hydro Thunder, which had developed in the era of Midway Arcade, SEGA Dreamcast, Nintendo 64 and PlayStation. Although the graphics a bit 'kinky', but this game looks and sounds as if the supporting performances of his gameplay. Furthermore Wave Blazer is supported by a fairly cool accelerometer controls.

Unfortunately accelorometer control on the default setting of this game is too responsive. For players who are not familiar, his speedboats would certainly hit the rocks a few times. A little hard to do it early.

To anticipate the slippery controls, the user can change the settings for the accelerometer, on the start menu the game. When tested, two bars accelerometer enough to make it easier controlled speedboat. But it all turned to their respective tastes.
Wave Blazer can be played single player or multiplayer. There are three types of gaming options: the Grand Prix, Time Trials and Arcade. Players will be required to get the highest score.
Download: : Polarbit Wave Blazer 1.00(4)S60v5 Symbian OS9.4

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